Our local church mission statement
The purpose of United Church of Cloverdale is:
to worship God;
to study and teach the message of Jesus;
to live in community within our own church, sharing our joys, sorrows, and thankfulness;
to find ways of bringing compassion, justice, change, and harmony to our world by prayer, feeding the hungry, clothing the poor, and ministering to both young and old in our community with our music, word, and action;
to open our family of faith to people of every race, gender, sexual orientation, and place of national origin;
to keep an open mind and a devout spirit.
(adopted 9/1994, revised 1/1999)
From our parent denomination, the United Church of Christ
The Purpose of the United Church of Christ:
To love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength and our neighbor as ourselves (Mt. 22)
The Vision of the United Church of Christ:
United in Christ’s love, a just world for all
The Mission of the United Church of Christ:
United in Spirit and inspired by God’s grace, we welcome all, love all, and seek justice for all
The Core Values of the United Church of Christ:
Extravagant Welcome
Continuing Testament
Changing Lives
Our Mission and Outreach extends God's love past our own church walls. On this page you will find descriptions of some of the missions United Church supports through the donation of resources and our members' time and talents.
UCC wider church offerings: One Great Hour of Sharing and Neighbors in Need more...
Outreach Opportunities at United Church: Heaven's Closet Thrift Shop, Cloverdale Food Pantry
The purpose of United Church of Cloverdale is:
to worship God;
to study and teach the message of Jesus;
to live in community within our own church, sharing our joys, sorrows, and thankfulness;
to find ways of bringing compassion, justice, change, and harmony to our world by prayer, feeding the hungry, clothing the poor, and ministering to both young and old in our community with our music, word, and action;
to open our family of faith to people of every race, gender, sexual orientation, and place of national origin;
to keep an open mind and a devout spirit.
(adopted 9/1994, revised 1/1999)
From our parent denomination, the United Church of Christ
The Purpose of the United Church of Christ:
To love God with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength and our neighbor as ourselves (Mt. 22)
The Vision of the United Church of Christ:
United in Christ’s love, a just world for all
The Mission of the United Church of Christ:
United in Spirit and inspired by God’s grace, we welcome all, love all, and seek justice for all
The Core Values of the United Church of Christ:
Extravagant Welcome
Continuing Testament
Changing Lives
Our Mission and Outreach extends God's love past our own church walls. On this page you will find descriptions of some of the missions United Church supports through the donation of resources and our members' time and talents.
UCC wider church offerings: One Great Hour of Sharing and Neighbors in Need more...
Outreach Opportunities at United Church: Heaven's Closet Thrift Shop, Cloverdale Food Pantry
439 N Cloverdale Blvd, Cloverdale, CA 95425 ● Phone 707.894.2039 ● Fax 707.894.4015
"We open our family of faith to include people of every race, gender, sexual orientation and place of origin."